We had our exercises and everybody in the class did really well - I crammed with Mom this week on the 2 minute downs and despite the fact that I had Levi on one side and Chloe on the other side, I STAYED DOWN!! Woot!! Mom couldn't believe it - and I even stayed down when she circled around and stepped over me!
Cue in the "We are the Champions" by Queen - here's my buddy Levi, getting his certificate and picking his toy out of the bucket! Jimmy did a lot of the training with him and Levi did great in the class!
and then it was my turn - I couldn't decide what to get until I sniffed out the pink donut - mmmmm. . . donuts!
Then Chloe - barely tall enough to dig into the bucket but BIG enough to roughhouse with all us big dawgs, ended up with the tug rope with the pink heart!
Once the graduation "ceremony" was over - it was "praise and release" and us puppies, just like any graduating class, went nuts!
Here's Chloe with Brady. I'm in the background doin' something really weird it looks like. . .
And here I am with all my homies - Grady, Brady, Chloe. We're just lettin' it all hang out. . . Me in particular. . .
Aud got a reality dose this week with puppy teething! Right before graduation, I started chewing on everything with a vengeance. One night in particular, she noticed that the squeaky elephant was covered in blood. When she investigated my mouth (expecting that it was a teething issue), she was unpleasantly surprised to see that I'd lost MOST of my baby teeth, there were a couple of teeth sticking out of the sides of my gums (really, really loose) and my gums were a bloody mess.
Add to that, I was liking the new white chair that Mom waited 3 weeks for delivery on - it looked like snow and I just wanted to wrap my gums around the arm of it. . . Aaaaahhhhhhh. . .
Mom got a little freaky over that idea (go figure?) and called our friend Dale (Liam and Murphy's Mom - Murphy's the little yellow lab that just got added to her family) and Dale quickly recommended a frozen facecloth.
Great idea, Dale - I didn't know what to do with it, so I just barked and barked at it! But at least it kept me from chewing on that nice, clean, frosty new chair!!
Not to worry - the next morning the chair was still white, I didn't really look like much of a clubbed seal anymore AND my big-dawg teeth were poking through my reddish-pink gums! The experience also never even slowed down my appetite (maybe because I ate all my baby teeth?)! Just two baby teeth left to go! I'll keep ya posted - till then, CHOW BABY!!