Just another friendly public service announcement. . .
What prompts me to write this public service announcement isn't as dire as the warning about cats and Mexican blankets but I can personally attest to it being equally as IMPORTANT!
As you saw by Riley's previous entry, he's taken a shine to shredding my wall to wall carpet (which encompasses a hallway and three bedrooms) and whilst I agree the carpeting must go, I know the hardwood floor underneath it is junk and I'm not particularly inclined to replace the carpeting quite yet. So, I went to Petsmart and perused the training aisle while Riley was getting his nails done to find a spray that might discourage Riley from pulling up the carpet. . .
So I ended up with a product called "Bitter Yuck", it's a water based no chew spray (I liked that thinking it wouldn't stain anything I sprayed it on) and it's good to use on the pet (for hot spots and such), furniture, wood - just about anything. For those unfamiliar with it, the website is Bitter Yuck .
So today I used about a quarter of the spray bottle - did the trim/perimeter of the hallway and the exposed edges of the carpet in Jeff's room. Also sprayed the kitchen sink throw rug that I'm going to throw away but wanted to keep it in place (before I replace it) to see if this stuff works.
Now, the bottle doesn't say to wear gloves when spraying. IT SHOULD. You know when you are using a push spray trigger that you usually end up with some liquid on your trigger finger? Well, I washed my hands several times after spraying (with antibacterial soap, no less!) and while I was rolling the enchiladas I was making for dinner, I learned that BITTER YUCK doesn't wash off! I got some cheese sauce on my finger, I licked it off - OH MY GOODNESS, the back of my throat and my sinuses were instantly filled with a horrific bitter taste. . . So I'm thinking I must not have washed that fingertip quite so well and scrubbed it, thought I was OK until I went and ended up licking that finger again! Aaaack!
So I smartened up. I stopped licking that finger and that's when I was unpleasantly reminded that I had used my OTHER hand to spray when my spray finger got tired from pumping - whoa, can't lick those fingers either!
Riley has sniffed the areas I sprayed but hasn't really tried to gnaw on anything, I'm pretty sure he won't. And you know what? I'm not likely to chew on the carpeting any time soon either!
Anybody have some grain alcohol that I can gargle with? Oh, the taste of this stuff is horrible!
Hopefully this PSA will prevent anyone else from wanting to gargle with grain alcohol - wear gloves!! And, if I end up growing a third eye or some other strange appendage from my exposure to this stuff, I'll be sure to post that too. Although, as a parent, a third eye in the back of the head would be a welcome accessory. . .
I'm done now, I'll turn the blog back to Riley and more fun entries! :)
Home Improvement, Anyone?
Went South for Vacation, Hit the Beach to Work on my Tan. . .
Here I am in the motorhome. . .
Spring has Sprung and it's now time to commence DIGGING!
Yeah, Key West - I'm still working on it - it's much easier now that I'm 6 months old rather than 3 months old and trying to dig through frozen turf. . . And before you ask - yup, that's the same hole I'm working on.
Just in case you are curious - I've got three excavation projects, I could end up in Key West, the molten center of the earth (in which case, the lava spew will pretty much cover up any tundra damage I'm doing in Grafton) or, as the old wive's tale is - end up in China! Chow Mein, anyone?

Camping Season has started!

I have this really cool half-brother. . .
So you know that Aud posts comments about my escapades on facebook and recently she and Windsor's Mom, Christy, friended each other on facebook. Christy is an amazing girl who is triumphing over an injury from a devastating accident and my half-brother Windsor will be a great addition to her family as he's been training for months! Both Christy and Windsor have been working so hard and making incredible strides and they will be such a wonderful match once they are united - and that's happening this week! We're so excited for both of them!!
Aud and I thought I was pretty smart but Windsor is so focused and dedicated to his training that it's just stunning what he can do. . . Christy has a blog that has photos and videos of Windsor's accomplishments as he sails through his training (I'm pretty sure there was no crazy-puppy attacker cat involved, which is good!). You must check it out at Christy & Windsor .
Christy and Windsor - I thought this stick was pretty darn cool. But I'm even more psyched about you guys finally getting together this week! We wish you absolutely the best and can't wait for updates on your adventures together!
God Bless and best wishes to you both! You guys are our heros!
Marley, Me & Mud - Yay!
And I conquered Obedience Class - passed with flying colors and a wild rumpus!

We had our exercises and everybody in the class did really well - I crammed with Mom this week on the 2 minute downs and despite the fact that I had Levi on one side and Chloe on the other side, I STAYED DOWN!! Woot!! Mom couldn't believe it - and I even stayed down when she circled around and stepped over me!
Cue in the "We are the Champions" by Queen - here's my buddy Levi, getting his certificate and picking his toy out of the bucket! Jimmy did a lot of the training with him and Levi did great in the class!
and then it was my turn - I couldn't decide what to get until I sniffed out the pink donut - mmmmm. . . donuts!
Then Chloe - barely tall enough to dig into the bucket but BIG enough to roughhouse with all us big dawgs, ended up with the tug rope with the pink heart!
Once the graduation "ceremony" was over - it was "praise and release" and us puppies, just like any graduating class, went nuts!
Here's Chloe with Brady. I'm in the background doin' something really weird it looks like. . .
And here I am with all my homies - Grady, Brady, Chloe. We're just lettin' it all hang out. . . Me in particular. . .
Aud got a reality dose this week with puppy teething! Right before graduation, I started chewing on everything with a vengeance. One night in particular, she noticed that the squeaky elephant was covered in blood. When she investigated my mouth (expecting that it was a teething issue), she was unpleasantly surprised to see that I'd lost MOST of my baby teeth, there were a couple of teeth sticking out of the sides of my gums (really, really loose) and my gums were a bloody mess.
Add to that, I was liking the new white chair that Mom waited 3 weeks for delivery on - it looked like snow and I just wanted to wrap my gums around the arm of it. . . Aaaaahhhhhhh. . .
Mom got a little freaky over that idea (go figure?) and called our friend Dale (Liam and Murphy's Mom - Murphy's the little yellow lab that just got added to her family) and Dale quickly recommended a frozen facecloth.
Great idea, Dale - I didn't know what to do with it, so I just barked and barked at it! But at least it kept me from chewing on that nice, clean, frosty new chair!!
Not to worry - the next morning the chair was still white, I didn't really look like much of a clubbed seal anymore AND my big-dawg teeth were poking through my reddish-pink gums! The experience also never even slowed down my appetite (maybe because I ate all my baby teeth?)! Just two baby teeth left to go! I'll keep ya posted - till then, CHOW BABY!!
Weighing in on the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show