Wow, what's not to love about New England? It's Spring and the month of March was, according to Mom, RIDICULOUS with the rain! I don't get it, what's the problem? Is there such a thing as being too well trained? Just because the back yard was a swamp, and Mom didn't want to go back there because, well, I'm all WHITE and I just suck up the mud by osmosis and also because when she walked back there with me, depending on what shoes she wore, she'd come close to losing them in the quicksand mud we had back there. WHY did she have to keep going back there with me? Because, and most of you guys will understand this, the back yard is where I poop. I don't go in the front yard, I go in the back yard. I don't care if the back yard doesn't drain well, that's where I'm going. Period. And I can be pretty darn stubborn. . .
Good news - the back yard dried up some, maybe because the water was rushing into the basement and Dad was out on fire calls pumping out everyone else's basement?! The consistency of the back yard was just FINE for digging. . . You all remember my butt pic that was featured on the Fans of Key West page on Facebook? See any resemblance here with my then and now picture?
Yeah, Key West - I'm still working on it - it's much easier now that I'm 6 months old rather than 3 months old and trying to dig through frozen turf. . . And before you ask - yup, that's the same hole I'm working on.
Just in case you are curious - I've got three excavation projects, I could end up in Key West, the molten center of the earth (in which case, the lava spew will pretty much cover up any tundra damage I'm doing in Grafton) or, as the old wive's tale is - end up in China! Chow Mein, anyone?

Oh, I have more tales to tell ~ so stay tuned and ~ CHOW, BABY!
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