Look how big I am!! And I have a bone to chew with regards to politics. .

Check me out - on January 24, I'm going to be four months old! I have to say, I'm becoming quite the sensation in Grafton. . .
I'm currently enrolled in obedience training and having a blast with my cousin Chloe in class. Jeff took me to Petsmart last week to get my nails trimmed and he couldn't believe how many people were there that recognized me. Yeah, fame does have its perks. . . I didn't have to wait for my nails, got right in. . .
Mom and I are having trouble with the training walkabouts in the neighborhood - everybody keeps interrupting us to pat me! I like it!
Check out those front paws, I'm gonna be HUGE! At least that's what everyone that sees me says. All I know is when I leap up onto Mom, I get this great OOOOPPPHHHH sound from her and then she tells me to get those clubs OFF!
Here I am, cranking around my back yard - I have the BEST back yard! There's 2 miniature chihuahuas beyond the fence next door and when I run around like a lunatic and bark at them, it drives them nuts!
But I'm an equal opportunity barker, I was barking at some squirrels in the trees this week and Mom noticed that, well, *ahem* it's squirrel mating season and I alerted her to something she hadn't ever seen before!
Now let's talk about toys. I love toys! I have a gazillion of them.
Yet, I get outdoors and who cares about toys? I pick up leaves, branches are the absolute bomb and once in a while ~ I leap up and snag myself a pine branch!
Oh, pine branch - I love thee so, the entertainment you give me can last for hours and hours!
Time to talk politics. I like to nap during the day and as you can see by my setup, there's this electronic doohickey above my crate. I'm not 100% sure but I think Mom and Dad are calling it "Stop Calling Me, Dammit".
All I know is it keeps yammering - blah, blah, Martha - blah, blah Scott. Can someone please make it stop? I'm losing beauty sleep. . .
Don't forget to VOTE tomorrow (how did I know that?) ~ and ~ CHOW, BABY!

Happy New Year and New Year's Resolutions. . .

Welcome to the New Year of 2010 and I'm joining everybody who's decided to indulge in resolutions, new hobbies and expanding my horizons.
That said, here's my first resolution - I'm expanding my horizons! Aud's big into birdwatching, has feeders and birdhouses all over the yard. She even has made Max and Lucy indoor cats to protect her beloved cardinals, bluejays, junkos, sparrows, etc.
And I like watching them, oh, I surely do. . . Very, very much. .
But, I'm only 3 1/2 months old - who in their right mind expects me to be able to stick to a resolution?
Those birds were meant to be chased and I'm a bird dog, dagnabit!
Just think of it as me training them to take flight - QUICKLY! I will SO be the momma and poppa bird's friend in the spring when they need to motivate those chicks to fly, fly away! Ok, ok, so these dark eyed junkos were so impressed with my charging prowess that they took to those spindly branches to laugh and chatter at me. Wait, that's not good, is it?
Stupid birds - I'll show them. I'll just chew up these bushes so they finally have to fall to the ground.
I like to chew. I'm good at chewing. I can SO do this, those sarcastic birds who keep chirping that I'm much slower than the neighbor's cats will pay. YES, they'll pay. . . Sometime in my lifetime but I will press my bark park pals into service. . .
As far as indoor resolutions? I've decided that I don't like Aud and Bob's television viewing and have launched a campaign to change their program choices. First, and foremost - the Animal Planet must GO. I don't like the lions and that Cesar guy (the one who's fooled all the humans into thinking he's some kind of dog-whisperer?) HAVE TO GO!
Here I'm voicing my displeasure with one of Bob's war flicks. Yeah, the history channel has got to go too. I was calm and happy, chewing my blue sheep with the beepy thing, next thing I know I'm freakin' out and barkin' at the TV.
Sometimes Guy Fieri on the Food Network Channel freaks me out, too. But I'm working on getting over that. I do like Anthony Bourdain on the Travel Channel and Mike Rowe with Dirty Jobs is OK.
We're working on an acceptable cable channel lineup. I'll keep you posted on our progress!