I went to see Santa a few weeks back, it was my second humiliating experience with Jumanji the kennel cat. Jumanji was pretty lucky that she didn't show up at my last puppy socialization class - not only would I have trounced her, that stupid Great Dane and Yellow Lab would've been my homies against her! But, 'nuff said, Jumanji is safe till obedience class. . .

I got the chance to tell Santa what I wanted for Christmas - (1) make the world/house/anywhere my bathroom and (2) make everything in creation (including humans) my chew toy. I've been good, I'm pretty sure he's gonna make my Christmas wishes come true!
Speaking of chew toys, Aud kinda freaked me out one day while she was trying to work from home. *snort* - work from home, what's that? She was there to entertain me, I'm pretty sure. But I digress, she gave me this totally gross looking bone thingy.
So, I did what any normal puppy would do and BARKED at it for a really, really long time. I finally figured out that it was safe when it didn't bark back. . .
Turns out I actually liked it!! Who knew?

And, in case you missed it, it SNOWED again. LOTS! I love the snow, it's such great fun and when I'm not filthy, I blend right in!

Jody, I'm still workin' on it! Be there soon!
In the meantime, HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!
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