And fellow canines, have you discovered the absolute best thing ever? SHOES! Find 'em, chew 'em, it'll wake a human out of a dead sleep and is quite amazing to see how quickly they'll try to take 'em away from you.
Are you looking for a challenge? Stealth your human and chew them whilst they are on their feet! (and ~ if Dad's sleeping when you do it ~ you can get through half a shoelace before he wakes up)!
Well, I'm quite tired now. All this chewing has worn me out. Stay tuned and as usual ~ CHOW BABY!
**Just a warning from Riley's Mom (Aud) - keep strings, blankets with fringe, ribbons and things like that away from all pets. Max (as pictured on the fridge above), spent the summer unbeknownst to us consuming fringe from a mexican blanket, was critically sick and had to have major surgery at Tufts (to the tune of several thousand dollars and a week's hospitalization) to clear the gastrointestinal blockages that happened as a result of his consumption of string. He was 3 years old when it happened and I had the mexican blankets draped all over the crap furniture in the basement. Max suddenly experienced an almost fatal interest. . :( **
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