Fun & Games is a Serious Business Around Here

Now that I'm a whopping 10 weeks old, it's time for me to find my game. So, lately, I've been on a quest and here's some of my favorite activities. First, I set up my humans with cuteness, they can't resist, it's part of my diabolical plan. Bring it on, baby, I'm ready to rumble! This challenge draws Bob in for one of my favorite games, we call it "Great White Shark"! This game consists of me and Bob rolling around on the living room floor to see who can draw first blood. I WIN every time!! Here I'm licking Bob's wounds, nobody can say I'm not a gracious winner. . . Oh, and did I mention that I live with CATS? Who knew how cool they could be? They puff up like the Stay Puft marshmallow man from Ghost Busters and this weird hissing sound comes out of them. All you have to do is lumber towards them and it's a highly amusing chase until they end up at the top of the fridge. .
And as you can see, once again I WIN! He who ends up on top of the fridge loses!! HA, Max! It's embarrasing, isn't it? Bwahahahaa. . .

And fellow canines, have you discovered the absolute best thing ever? SHOES! Find 'em, chew 'em, it'll wake a human out of a dead sleep and is quite amazing to see how quickly they'll try to take 'em away from you. Are you looking for a challenge? Stealth your human and chew them whilst they are on their feet! (and ~ if Dad's sleeping when you do it ~ you can get through half a shoelace before he wakes up)!

Well, I'm quite tired now. All this chewing has worn me out. Stay tuned and as usual ~ CHOW BABY!

**Just a warning from Riley's Mom (Aud) - keep strings, blankets with fringe, ribbons and things like that away from all pets. Max (as pictured on the fridge above), spent the summer unbeknownst to us consuming fringe from a mexican blanket, was critically sick and had to have major surgery at Tufts (to the tune of several thousand dollars and a week's hospitalization) to clear the gastrointestinal blockages that happened as a result of his consumption of string. He was 3 years old when it happened and I had the mexican blankets draped all over the crap furniture in the basement. Max suddenly experienced an almost fatal interest. . :( **

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